
Darren Hayes Announces Separation From Long-Term Partner Richard Cullen

Darren Hayes Homosexual album (Darren Hayes)

Singer Darren Hayes has announced on Instagram that he and his husband of 17 years, Richard Cullen, have separated. Despite being known for his privacy, Hayes chose to share the news with his fans in a delicate message.

Nobody is at fault or to blame

In his message, Hayes revealed that their relationship had “gently and beautifully come to an end” and that the split was amicable. He emphasised that there was no affair or scandal involved in their separation and that the two remain close.

One of Darren Hayes’ most recent tracks is called Feels Like It’s Over, a song dedicated to the end stages of a relationship. Although released before the announcement of his split, there’s been no confirmation of the song relating to Hayes and Cullen. The track features soft lyrics such as, “It feels like it’s over, but nobody’s leaving. There’s so much love left, so why am I grieving?”

The two reportedly remain close and supportive of one another

Hayes also shared that they had separated earlier in the year and had been supporting each other emotionally throughout this massive change in their lives. The singer reassured fans that he and Cullen are still best friends and always will be. “We view our marriage as the greatest collaboration. Nobody can ever take away what we achieved together,” says Hayes.

The announcement comes as a surprise to fans who have followed Hayes’ career since the 1990s when he was the singer in the Brisbane duo, Savage Garden. However, many have shared messages of support and love for the singer during this difficult time.

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