
Why Are We Only Just Discovering Sexy Gay Pop Musician John Duff Now?!

"Somebody's Daughter" (YouTube/@John Duff)

For the fellow uninitiated, John Duff is a singer whose vibrant pop music has captured worldwide attention. He often pairs his tracks with tongue-in-cheek music videos such as in his latest release, Somebody’s Daughter.


DNA is a bit embarrassed that we didn’t know about this talented, sexy pop musician until now! An openly gay man making waves in the music industry? This is so DNA! So far, John has released an EP and a handful of songs, but each track is a fun and fresh take on the pop genre.

In an exclusive with Instinct, John says he feels liberated by embracing shamelessness.

“My spirit is wild, fun, and free and as a performer, I am shameless,” he says. “As far as I’m concerned, shamelessness in your body and sexuality is a step toward enlightenment. Not away.”

In Somebody’s Daughter, Duff explores the notion of queerbaiting but flips it on his head by “straightbaiting”. Most of John’s music references current topics, like Hokie Pokie which is about tossing salads, or his song Rich, which juxtaposes world events with the vapid nature of wealth.

So, we reiterate, he’s hot, talented and fierce. What’s not to love? Watch out for his music and stream his discography on major platforms here.

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