
Vladimir Putin Peak Is Touting A Rainbow Flag Planted By LGBTQIA+ Activists

Pink Summits (Supplied by Dastan Kasmamytov)

Russia’s anti-LGBTQIA+ stance has been well-documented since President Vladimir Putin came to power in 2012. Although homosexuality isn’t strictly illegal, gay people face many social and legal challenges in Russia.

Protesting Putin’s homophobic regime and the invasion of Ukraine, a group of LGBTQIA+ mountain climbers planted pride flags and Ukrainian flags on the summit of Vladimir Putin Peak, a mountain named after the president.


The group of LGBTQIA+ activists are part of the Pink Summits campaign, which aims to fight prejudice and discrimination against queer communities. Part of their campaign involves the climbers planting rainbow pride flags on the seven summits of the world, which include Mount Everest, Mount Kilimanjaro, Mount Blanc, Mount Kosciuszko, Mount Aconcagua and Mount Denali and Mount Vinson.

Dastan on Putin Peak (Supplied by Dastan Kasmamytov)

Russia’s stance on homosexuality is rigidly anti-acceptance. Equaldex reports that although same-sex relations are legal, there are no protections against discrimination, no gay marriage rights and fines for any perceived promotion of LGBTQIA+ lifestyles in media.

The climbers have already ascended Mount Elbrus, Blanc and Kosciuszko with plans for other summits in the near future. A group of climbers had already planted a Ukrainian flag atop Putin Peak in 2022 but it had since been removed by other climbers; Pink Summits reinstated the blue and yellow flag aside their rainbow flag in a difficult place to ensure they would stay up longer.

Mount Elbrus (Supplied by Dastan Kasmamytov)

Aside from their pride flag protests atop the world’s summits, the group are involved with outreach programs that connect LGBTQIA+ mountaineering communities and organise events for rock-climbing lessons and expeditions.

Mount Kilimanjaro (Supplied by Dastan Kasmamytov)

To find out more and to donate, visit the Pink Summits website.

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