
Tiffany Trump Tells Florida Pride Event Her Dad Supports LGBTIQA+

Tiffany Trump, President Trump’s youngest daughter, fronted a Pride event in Florida on behalf of her father’s campaign to say, “Prior to politics he supported gays, lesbians, LGBQIA+ community.”

Trump then proceeded to say anything said otherwise was untrue.

“You, unfortunately, see social media and you see these fabricated lies, it saddens me,” she said. “I have friends of mine who reach out, they make up stories, they say, ‘How could you support your father? We know you. We know your best friends are gay, we know your best friends are this, this, and this.’ I say, ‘It’s because my father has always supported all of you.’”

However President Trump’s track record since taking office speaks otherwise.

Vanity Fair reports President Trump initially tried to support the LGBTIQ community by being the first GOP nominee to mention LGBTIQ in his 2015 acceptance speech. While in his first month as president he released a statement that said he was “determined to protect the rights of all Americans, including the LGBTQ community.”

As president he’s presided over an administration that’s allowed the GOP to roll back protections for LGBTQ people in employment, school, health care, public housing, adoption, foster care, criminal justice, and public life.

President Trump has also put forward conservative justices to the Supreme Court, which pending the successful nomination of Amy Coney Barrett will tip the court easily in favour of conservatism.

Two Justices on the Supreme Court have recently spoken against same-sex marriage.

Watch Tiffany Trump’s speech in full below.

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