
Luke Evans Weighs In On Whether Only Gay Actors Should Play Gay Roles

Luke Evans (Fred Duval/Shutterstock)

Luke Evans is one of Hollywood’s most mainstream gay actors having performed in roles across the spectrum. He has revealed in an interview with The Telegraph that he feels gay roles should not exclusively exist for gay actors.


The actor responded to The Telegraph saying he feels complicated about the debate over gay actors playing gay roles only. “I get it, and I totally think that things do need to change,” says Evans. “But from my perspective: firstly, I wouldn’t have had a career if gay people played gay roles and straight people played straight roles.”

Evans’ comments were a response to Doctor Who and Queer As Folk show-runner Russel T Davies saying he believes straight people shouldn’t play gay characters. “Talent and ability, and a bit of luck and timing… That should be the reason why you get a job. It shouldn’t have anything to do with anything else,” he says.


Many LGBTQIA+ identifying people feel misrepresented by the media portrayal of queerness. The incentive to have queer people play gay characters comes from a desire to see an authentic reflection of the gay experience. This isn’t to say that extremely talented and thoughtful straight actors can’t perform this, but it’s a sore point for many that gay actors can be blacklisted over their sexuality while Hollywood reaps the benefits of telling our stories.

Luke Evans has fortunately avoided this fate, and he’s right in saying roles should go to the best actor. But doesn’t having diversity in the industry cater for better tellings of stories? It’s the same reason POC are no longer played by white actors.

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