
Kevin Bacon Is Taking A Stand Against Conversion Therapy

Kevin Bacon in Apollo 13 (Universal Pictures)

Kevin Bacon is known for many things, among them, being an ’80s heartthrob. It appears that this heartthrob also has a heart and wants to put his influence to good use by tackling the issue of conversion therapy. The actor has launched a campaign through his foundation which will raise funds to support Born Perfect, a scheme aiming to protect LGBTQIA+ people, reports Towleroad.


The 64-year-old actor is one of the leads in the 2022 film They/Them. The horror movie is set at a conversion camp, which is fitting considering the horrors experienced at those places already, and Bacon reportedly researched for his role as camp leader. Learning about the existing practices led Bacon to want to make a change.

“I remember thinking this is not only dumb it’s hurtful. To put anyone – especially a young person – through such a shameful, painful process when there is no chance of it working is terrible. Why? Where’s the threat? Why is anyone else’s sexual orientation your problem,” he says.

For anyone familiar with the six degrees of Kevin Bacon theory, it suggests that Bacon is connected to every Hollywood celebrity through six or fewer hops. This is the origin story for the actor’s charity which he is using to support Born Perfect, a program of the National Centre for Lesbian Rights, which works within the legal system to ensure LGBTQIA+ persons safety, reports People.

The charity site homepage reads, “I am six degrees or less from someone or something that really needs my help. I challenge myself to grow in empathy towards others. I challenge myself to grow in compassion. I challenge myself to spend time on something that needs assistance. I will leverage my resources, abilities or voice to be an actor of change. I pledge to make a positive impact this year by leveraging myself in whatever way I can, big or small. Together we can make a big difference.”

Bacon aims to raise USD50,000 to donate to Born Perfect and has already managed to raise USD20,000. “People need to be left alone to be who they are. To love who they want to love and marry who they want to marry. That is the backbone of a strong and peaceful society,” he says.

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