
Gay Comedian Michael Henry Shows Us Exactly How To Deal With HIV Shaming

(YouTube/@Michael Henry)

In a new video on gay comedian Michael Henry’s YouTube, we are shown an appropriate response to someone gossiping about another person’s HIV status. The video tackles HIV stigma and draws a clear line about how we should talk about someone’s status; the clinch being we shouldn’t unless they’ve specifically given consent.

HIV isn’t a weapon

The video opens on a scene that screams WeHo with a panorama of fit, young men splashing around at a pool party. The dialogue shifts to two men chatting about their friend, Michael Henry, hooking up with someone who is HIV-positive. When one tries to inform Henry of his hook-up’s status he is shot down… hard!

When Henry’s character is told of his partner’s HIV status he says, “Did he tell you to tell me that..? Well then who do you think you are to be telling me this?” The gossiper looks confused and believes he was doing him a favour. “Why don’t you do yourself a favour and educate yourself? Because right now you’re sounding really pos-phobic and that is something I really don’t want to associate with,” says Henry.

HIV awareness is about more than making sure people are engaged in safe sex. It’s about de-stigmatising HIV-positive people, not making them the subject of gossip or speaking without their permission.

There is no shame in being HIV-positive. Remember, undetectable means untransmissible. Use PrEP or condoms.

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