
Brian Sims Appreciation Post

Brian Sims and Alex Drakos (Screencapture via Instagram)

We are all fans of Pennsylvania State Representative Brian Sims. The list of reasons is numerous, but we’ll start with his LGBTQIA+ advocacy, his support of women’s rights and his relationship that he so lovingly posts on social media.


Brian Sims is an attorney who began his career working for LGBTQIA+ advocacy firms such as Equality Pennsylvania and the chairman of the Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia (GALLOP). In 2011, Sims announced that he would be making a run for the Pennsylvania House of Representatives; his campaign was successful making him the first openly LGBTQIA+ member of the Legislature.

Since then, his work has had a community focus and revolved around social justice issues. Sims hasn’t forgotten his advocacy origins and works tirelessly to endorse LGBTQIA+ rights and social causes.

Brian Sims doesn’t only fight for queer rights even though they are the cornerstone of his career focus. Sims has campaigned for abortion rights, abolition of racism, accessible healthcare, legislation against sexual violence and better infrastructure such as clean drinking water.


It’s not enough that he’s a socially progressive, openly gay, hunky politician, he also happens to be an avid user of social media where his constituents can get to know him better.

Sims’ relationship with Alex Drakos was announced earlier this year and he has proudly posted his relationship online. The pair make a striking couple and their affection is evident.

We are genuinely happy for Drakos and Sims. So, although we’re punching the air right now because he’s taken, we can still craft this appreciation post to everyone’s favourite daddy politician.

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