
It’s IDAHOBIT Once More And We Need It More Than Ever


May 17, 2023: International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia | IDAHOBIT

IDAHOBIT is the acronym that stands for International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia and we honour it on May 17 each year. The history of this day involves acknowledging that the LGBTQIA+ community faces unique discrimination that requires diverse actions to overcome it.

In 2023, LGBTQIA+ rights have been threatened at an alarming rate with US states spruiking anti-trans legislation at every turn and foreign sovereigns declaring anti-LGBTQIA+ stances. IDAHOBIT is a crucial event that reminds the global queer community that there’s support and solidarity out there.

More is needed than thoughts and good will

As of the date of publishing, the ACLU is tracking 474 anti-LGBTQIA bills in the US which include bans to gender-affirming care, restrictions on LGBTQIA+ education in schools and bans on drag shows. Furthermore, countries in Europe still show infantile LGBTQIA+ protections despite Western calls for intervention. A report published by ILGA-Europe shows that Poland, Romania and Bulgaria hold the worst records on LGBTQIA+ rights in the EU, not to mention Russia’s antiquated policies against gay rights.

Discrimination is happening in our own backyard

Western countries like the US, UK and Australia appear ostensibly enlightened in comparison with other nations but reports continue to demonstrate the need for LGBTQIA+ advocacy in these regions.

In Australia, drag shows have become a target of far-right groups targeting LGBTQIA+ events, reports The Guardian. After a drag storytime at Woodleigh School on the Mornington Peninsula was cancelled, Victorian officials report at least 10 LGBTQIA+ events across Victoria have been cancelled or postponed in the past six months over safety concerns.

On IDAHOBIT, a drag storytime was scheduled at Eltham Library but had to moved online after threats were made by fringe far-right groups and neo-Nazis, reports Star Observer. Drag performer Frock Hudson (Dean Arcuri) says, “This is very a specifically targeted hate that is about our communities.”

On International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia we recognise the progress we have made but acknowledge the work still left to do. The current global climate against LGBTQIA+ rights makes IDAHOBIT and focussing on uplifting queer safety a priority.

For more information visit Australia’s IDAHOBIT website here.

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