
Tom Garratt Leaked Video Shows How Close Straight Guy Friends Can Get


Former Rugby League player Tom Garratt has responded to a leaked video that went viral this week showing him and an unspecified friend performing a sexual act together.

In his response, Garratt makes no effort to deny his involvement in the video but does set the record straight (pun intended). “It doesn’t mean I’m bi, it doesn’t mean I’m gay,” he says.


Apparently theres an AI video going round about me…

♬ original sound – Tom Garratt

“He was a friend in need and I was a friend indeed…”

The video in question shows Garratt stroking the other man while surrounded by a group of men. He has since clarified that they were all on holiday together where they’d partaken in drinking and, allegedly, other substances and thought it would be funny.

The video has been posted and reposted to X numerous times:

Leaked videos often incur one of a few responses from the figure at the centre; some admit what they can’t deny and deny what they can’t admit. Others will apologise for their involvement. Garratt has taken the path less travelled and chalked the whole thing up to a meme.

“Look, if you’re not comfortable looking a cock in the face, or having a cock in your hand, then there’s something wrong with you,” he explains in a TikTok. “We’d had a few drinks and maybe a few… other things… and we thought that it’d be funny. And I stand by the fact it’s funny.”


One can’t be shamed for something they don’t think is shameful, so, it’s a healthy way to skirt feeling embarrassment.

In the same TikTok, Garratt does say something very interesting though: “It doesn’t mean I’m bi, it doesn’t mean I’m gay. Well, maybe it does, but do you know what, if I am, I am. Alright?”

We’ve quoted Barbara Kruger’s artwork before and it’s an ever-salient remark about heterosexuality and masculinity: “You construct intricate rituals which allow you to touch the skin of other men.”

Garratt’s remarks about being able to masturbate his friend as a joke and be straight shines an intriguing light on the nature of straight male friendships. Moreover, in 2024, do labels still matter?

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