
Our Fave Party Pics From Sydney WorldPride – Next Stop, World Pride Washington DC in 2025

Sydney WorldPride 2023 (Cassandra Hannigan/SGLMG)

FEATURED: WorldPride | Website #Partner

WorldPride hit Sydney like a giant glitter bomb and the LGBTQIA+ community celebrated and partied hard! We’ve gathered a few fab pics from various events to look back with a warm glow! Take a walk back through the best party pics of Sydney WorldPride and get keen for when we get to do it all again in two years’ time. Already our sights are set on the next WorldPride in Washington DC in 2025!

Bondi Beach Party
(Cain Cooper/SGLMG)

Isis show at Domain Dance (Cassandra Hannigan/SGLMG)

Bondi Beach Party (Gabrielle Clement/SGLMG)

Bondi Beach Party (Cain Cooper/SGLMG)

Domain Dance (Cassandra Hannigan/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

Mardi Gras Parade (Jeffrey Feng/SGLMG)

WorldPride 2025 – Washington Here We Come!

On March 17, the Capital Pride Alliance convened to announce the themes for WorldPride 2025 and confirm Washington DC will be the host. The Pride Parade will once again be generously presented by Marriott International and will travel the same route as last year, the Block Party will continue on 17th Street for the second year, and MGM National Harbor is proudly presenting one of the largest Pride Festivals in the United States.


Washington WorldPride 2025 will host thousands of pride-goers and the theme is Peace, Love, Revolution. The theme was created in part with the US legislature in mind; state and federal congress has witnessed a rise in anti-LGBTQIA+ bills and laws targeting the queer community and Capital Pride Alliance feels there’s no better event to tackle this issue with than WorldPride.


“We are thrilled to introduce our theme for Capital Pride 2023 as we gear up to welcome the world to DC in 2025, which is also the 50th Anniversary of Pride in DC,” says CPA Executive Director Ryan Bos. “This year’s theme kicks off a three-year campaign leading into the message that we want to share with the world in 2025.”


Remembering how the gay rights movement began, the current challenges facing the LGBTQIA+ community linger in the fabrics of every society. It’s movements like Stonewall and the Gay Liberation movement that made WorldPride possible and the Capital Pride Alliance wants 2025 to reflect that rich history.



Art All Night (Jason Dixson Photography)

Destination DC (Jason Dixson Photography)

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