
Moises Nava by Ricardo Diaz | Part 1

Moises Nava (Ricardo Diaz)

PHOTOGRAPHER: Ricardo Diaz | Instagram
MODEL: Moises Nava | Instagram

“Being Venezuelan myself, it was special to shoot a model who also came from my land,” says photographer Ricardo Diaz. “Moises is a Venezuelan transplant in Honolulu, and I met him through my sister who also lives on the island. This was his first professional shoot and, as you can see, he’s clearly a natural. Moises likes to spend his free time catching waves along Oahu’s coast.”

Talking more about this shoot, photographer Ricardo Diaz says, “Our team is made up entirely of Venezuelans with Michael and Rocio assisting: funny how this small island in the middle of the ocean brought us all together. We had light reflectors catching major wind and even battle wounds from an undersea coral, but ended up with some really great shots.”

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