
Leonardo, Arthur, Luan, Chris and Lucas by Alex Madia Levi | Part 2

Leonardo, Arthur, Luan, Chris and Lucas (Alex Madia Levi)

PHOTOGRAPHER: Alex Madia Levi | Instagram
MODELS: Leonardo, Arthur, Luan, Chris and Lucas

“Leonardo, Luan, Arthur and Lucas are all models from Brazil. Chris is from the USA,” says Alex Madia Levi. “Lucas is a ballet dancer and Leonardo is a personal trainer. The others split their lives between the glamour of photography and the anonymity of office jobs.

“All of the models have different characters but it was a pleasure to work with all of them. Lucas, as a dancer, knows too well how to use his body to pose in front of the camera. Leonardo has the typical body builder’s stride. Arthur is incredibly sensual, Luan incredibly shy. And Chris is such a sweetheart!”

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