
Human Rights Campaign Launches $15 Million Effort To Re-Elect Biden In Key Swing States


The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest LGBTQIA+ rights group, is investing $15 million to help re-elect President Joe Biden in the 2024 elections. The funds will target six key states: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada.

HRC President Kelley Robinson believes this group of voters can make a significant difference in the election outcome. In Arizona, for example, where Biden won by about 10,000 votes, there are 1.4 million equality voters. The HRC plans to engage these voters through various outreach efforts to ensure their participation.

The stakes are high for the LGBTQIA+ community. Biden has made progress in advancing LGBTQIA+ rights during his first term, while his opponent, Donald Trump, has criticised “left-wing gender insanity” and pledged to roll back support for transgender rights.

The HRC estimates 75 million “equality voters” in 2024, but one-third are not a lock for Biden. Hundreds of thousands are at risk of not voting or defecting to a third party, especially among younger, non-white, and female voters.

Robinson highlighted the backlash against LGBTQIA+ rights across the country and emphasised the importance of this election for the community’s future. The HRC aims to convince voters not to support third-party candidates, as any vote not for Biden is a vote for Trump, who poses a threat to equality and democracy.

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