
From Pro Cyclist To Mr Gay Belgium Finalist: Justin Laevens’ Inspiring Journey

Justin Leavens (Stijn Debaveye/Youtube)

In 2020, Justin Laevens made waves in the world of professional cycling by coming out as gay at just 19 years old. Four years later, he’s taking on a new challenge as a finalist in the Mr Gay Belgium competition.

“My participation in Mr Gay Belgium came very unexpectedly,” Laevens tells Outsports. “I came out of the closet in cycling and a lot was thrown at me. I’d like to share my experience with other athletes who are still stuck in the closet.”

A Bumpy Road in Pro Cycling

Laevens’ decision to come out while competing for the Proximus-Cyclis-Alphamotorhomes team was a courageous one. He received support from his parents but worried about the lack of LGBTQIA+ visibility in cycling.

Despite positive reactions, his pro career had “ups but mostly downs.” In February 2023, Laevens announced his retirement from cycling, thanking his boyfriend Marlon for his support. “Be yourself and take enough time for yourself. Talk to friends and family about it at your own pace and keep focusing on being happy and liking yourself.”

Since coming out, Laevens has become a respected voice for LGBTQIA+ athletes. He often receives requests to attend events and judge drag shows but takes his role as an advocate seriously.
Belgium ranks third on the Rainbow Europe map of LGBTQIA+-friendly nations. Laevens recently participated in IDAHOBIT events in his hometown of Kortrijk.

Aiming for the Mr Gay Belgium Crown

The Mr Gay Belgium competition, running for over a decade, is more than just a pageant. It’s a platform to advance LGBTQIA+ rights.

Laevens hopes winning the title will help him achieve his goal of supporting closeted athletes. The winner will go on to compete in Mr Gay Europe and possibly Mr Gay World.

“I’d be extremely grateful to all those who vote for me,” he says. Voting is open on Laevens’ Instagram and the OUTtv website.

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