
Even LGBTQIA+ Allies Aren’t Safe – Laura Ann Carleton Killed For Hanging Pride Flag


On Friday, August 18, 66-year-old shop owner Laura Ann Carleton was shot dead by a customer who took issue with her flying the rainbow flag outside her storefront. Following an altercation over the flag, the man shot Carleton and fled before being apprehended by San Bernardino officers who ultimately used deadly force to stop him.

Laura Ann Carleton, who liked to go by Lauri, is remembered by her husband Bort, her nine children and the community of Lake Arrowhead where she was a beloved figure, reports The Guardian.

Even Supporting LGBTQIA+ People Is Deadly Now

The political landscape that fostered this needless act of violence is being called into question by authorities and activists on the left. Following the news of Lauri’s death, there has been an outpouring of support from users on social media.

Carleton started out as a fashion designer before landing a role with Kenneth Cole Productions. She was a devoted mother and a wife and a fierce LGBTQIA+ supporter according to those who knew her. Bridesmaids director Paul Fieg wrote a tribute crediting her as “a true ally” of the community.

The man authorities believe is responsible for Carleton’s death is Travis Ikeguchi, 27. He was reported as missing by his family the day preceding the attack and the gun he allegedly used on Carleton was not registered in his name.

The Lake Arrowhead LGBTQIA+ organisation says that Lauri didn’t identify as LGBTQIA+ herself but nonetheless fell victim to a homophobic attack. When even our allies are not safe from hate and violence, it leaves us to wonder why nothing is being done to stem this rampant anti-gay public rhetoric.

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